Our National Board

Sue Cammell
National Commissioner
I joined Girls’ Brigade when I was five and can remember many happy times, especially on camps. Unfortunately, the company I attended closed down and joining another didn’t work out, so I didn’t get to experience all the awesome opportunities that GB offers teenagers.
I picked up my GB journey many years later when our oldest daughter turned 5, and then started as a helper a couple of years after that. At the time I was adamant that I was “only a short-term parent helper” but as you can see from my current role, God had slightly different plans!! The last 20 years of involvement with GB has been filled with friendship, personal development and inspiration – and I am passionate to see GB thrive in NZ and continue to shape the lives of girls and leaders alike.
Outside of GB, I run a small marine business alongside my wonderful husband. To re-charge my batteries, I love to be out in nature, enjoying the beauty that God has created. Tramping, swimming, running and sailing are favourite pastimes but I also enjoy a good puzzle, craft or book.
I am excited to be part of our national Girls’ Brigade team as we work on growing our profile and numbers in NZ.

Alison Taylor
Board Chair
Girls’ Brigade is such a main major part of my life! I have had the privilege of being part of a number of Companies (5 officially) and Areas (3) in a variety of roles and positions. I have also held positions on a National Sub Committee. Currently, I am Captain of Chartwell Girls’ Brigade (7th Hamilton) and Area Training Coordinator for Waikato Area.
I am excited to be a member of the GBNZ Board and continue my service to GB in this role.
Outside of GB I homeschool our 2 children, try to keep up with housework, am a member of the Toy Library committee and local Hall committee, as well as my involvement in local theatre and loving my extended family.
I love Christmas - so much so that we celebrate it twice a year! There is nothing better than a good book, a good jigsaw, good food and winning a card game. I also love getting creative and doing crafts and sewing - but the time for that is very limited at the moment.
I am eager to be part of the Board and help develop it for the benefit of future generations of girls so as to continue in the aim of Girls’ Brigade in seeking, serving and following Christ.

Rachael Masterton
National Chaplain
Having been in Girls’ Brigade since the age of 6 I have learnt so much and been greatly enriched by leaders – old and new – and girls.
I have held all company positions and many of the Area positions and am currently Area Chaplain.
Although my paid employment is with Westpac NZ Limited, I hold voluntary positions in the Methodist Church of NZ – on the National Strategy committee, as Co-Synod Superintendent for Otago Southland, and as an accredited Lay Preacher.
I am also a Guide with Achilles NZ International – an organization that enables athletes with disabilities to participate in able-bodied events. While I was really proud of running my first marathon in 2016, I was just as proud when I guided Michael – an athlete who is blind – in his first 10km walking event in 2019.
I am a licensed Marriage Celebrant and a trained Funeral Celebrant.
I have a passion for helping others. I love ministering to people, getting alongside them, listening and praying with them.
1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Angela Almeida
Board Member
Girls’ Brigade has been a vital part of my life since 2018, and I have been the Juniors’ leader at 2nd Whangārei for 3 years. When I fell in love with GB, I certainly fell hard! I am the Northland Area Representative and am also a co-trainer and assessor for Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Awards.
When I’m not investing in Girls’ Brigade in some way, shape or form, my time is divided between working as a Veterinary Nurse, hiking, learning the cello, doing crafts, or spending time with my husband, 3 children and 2 cats.
I am also a member of my children’s school Parent Support Committee, and am on the Board of Trustees for Sistema Whangārei - Toi Akorangi. I have seen many girls take part in life changing opportunities and have been witness to so many girls flourishing in their spiritual journey during my time. I know without a doubt that Girls’ Brigade is an invaluable organisation which I would love to be available to any and every girl.
I consider myself purely privileged to be a part of GBNZ and enjoy helping to make a difference by serving on the National Board. I hope to bring my skills, talents, and experience to do all that I can to bring God glory and to provide our nation's girls with what I consider to be a fundamental, foundation for life.

Kerry Upson
Board Member
I was 5 1/2 years old when the girl next door took me along to Girls’ Brigade, and so began an exciting journey through all the age groups. When I first started I was a GLB cadet with a red sash and a beret with a tassel. I was so proud of my first uniform. By the time I was a Pioneer we had become Girls’ Brigade and I was so excited by all the opportunities that were opening up for me - leadership, Duke of Edinburgh, Queen’s Award, camps and Fonomarae.
I was commissioned at 18 and stayed on at 2nd Manurewa company for another 27 years. After a few years I became the Captain and took on Area and National roles as well. Meeting girls and women from GB overseas helped me to appreciate the connections that come as part of a worldwide organisation. After a break away from GB because we moved to another city, I have now been back in GB for 4 years, this time as Captain of 1st Kamo Company in Whangarei.
Outside of GB I am a trained teacher, working for the University of Auckland. In my role as a facilitator, I work with teachers in schools in Auckland and Northland to provide professional development in the development of literacy programmes.
As a member of the GB National Board I am keen to see girls thrive and reach their potential in a nurturing, stable, faith-filled programme. I am keen for girls and leaders to have similar opportunities and opportunities to grow as I have experiences and a girl and a leader in GB. I am excited to be part of a team that will help our movement to grow and thrive into the future.

Suzanne Best
Board Member
Thank you for electing me to the Board and allowing me to be a voice for the young hearts and the young at heart. I’m excited about the journey ahead & looking forward to being part of a team to future proof us.
But first, a little about me. I live in Palmy North, have been married to Brian for 43yrs and we have 2 adult married children, Porsha & Nathan, all living locally. We feel blessed to have 4 gorgeous granddaughters, with the oldest now in GB, in the same company as her great granny, nana & mother. We’re a GB/BB family with all 4 of us having attained Queens.
I started Girls’ Brigade at 6.5yrs, going right through to complete all the training available and have been Captain for some 45yrs at 1st Palmy Nth. I’ve also held Area roles & attended National & International conferences. To the Board, I bring that same commitment and dedication. with a desire to think outside the square so that this, the Lord’s mission is revitalised.
I pray that the same warmth felt through supporting girls to grow & develop will spur us on, for we are nothing without the girls and GB is nothing without the Lord.

Melissa Connolly
Youth Rep
Girls' Brigade has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember - this is my 19th year being involved, and I've been at 6th Auckland since beginning! Girls' Brigade has played such a vital role in my life, teaching me leadership skills, building my faith, giving me lifelong friendships, and it has given me so many unique and amazing experiences.
I have a passion for seeing youth develop their potential and grow into who God is shaping them to be. As National Youth Rep, I am hoping to create more opportunities for girls to do this, and to connect with each other on their journeys. With Nicola, I'm excited to continue building on the work of previous years to continue growing our youth and their connections together.
When I am not doing GB, I work as a primary school teacher in a year 5-6 classroom, where I love teaching tamariki to learn. I also love reading and boardgames, so whenever I have a moment of down time, my nose is in a book or I'm coercing friends or family into playing games.

Nicola Hollis
Youth Rep
I first started Girls’ Brigade at 7th Hamilton at 6 years old (almost 18 years ago!). Since then I have come through as girl, completed my Awesome Leadership awards, Brigader Brooch and Queens Award along the way, before being commissioned as a Leader in 2020! I have also become more involved in Waikato Area, stepping into the role of the Area Treasurer.
I have a passion for encouraging and empowering our young girls to feel like they can chase their passions and use them to help create a difference in both Girls’ Brigade and the world around them. Outside of Girls Brigade, I work fulltime as the accountant for the Catholic Diocese of Hamilton, and I love being able to use some of the skills I have from my “day job” to make an impact at both an area and national level and that’s what I want to encourage of our people. We have such an amazing range of people in our movement, so let’s make use of that!!
I am really excited to be in this role with Melissa and spend time connecting with our girls through events and zoom nights, and hopefully helping to inspire them to get involved how and when they can!